Anyone struggling with addiction, depression, anxiety or suicide, will hear the story of hope and recovery in this interview.
Christy ( a nurse in ICU), spent years with depression and anxiety. She swallowed pills that never stopped the pain. Five unsuccessful suicide attempts plus addiction to alcohol and smoking, didn’t help.
Looking at Christy today, you would never dream it was the same person. Her inspiring testimony will give hope to those needing to make a change in their lives. She is today involved in helping others going through what she experienced.
No. 1 change agent is empathy. To be on the journey with others is a healing process. Christy is now part of the depression/anxiety program itself. (www. She connects with others by sharing her story and this gives them a beacon of hope.
One factor in her healing? “Words of encouragement. Understanding God has a plan for each of our lives. And she adds, “If you let Him in, He has many blessings for your life”.
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