Interview with Jean Clavis Faciol - 1807

Episode 7 March 28, 2018 00:58:45
Interview with Jean Clavis Faciol - 1807
By the Word of their Testimony
Interview with Jean Clavis Faciol - 1807

Mar 28 2018 | 00:58:45


Show Notes

Jean was born and raised in the Philippines, in an Adventist family.
Jean practised her religion at home but with one foot in the secular camp. She was studying towards becoming a physical therapist. Times were hard. The family struggled financially. Her mother had a dream about Jean preaching to crowds on a mountain side.

At 19, Jean attended a youth conference conducted by Amazing Facts. The focus of her life changed dramatically. Now she wanted to work as a missionary for God.

Amazing Facts offered a course in evangelism. She told them she couldn’t afford the fees. They encouraged her to enrol anyway. On arrival at the campus her entire fees had been paid!

This began an incredible prayer answering ministry for Jean. She shares the miracles God brought into her life especially when preaching in faraway and sometimes unsafe places. Despite the devil trying to thwart her mission, today she is not only working on Christian radio in the Philippines but running crusades wherever she is invited.

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