Interview with April Worf - 1712

Episode 12 August 27, 2017 00:57:45
Interview with April Worf - 1712
By the Word of their Testimony
Interview with April Worf - 1712

Aug 27 2017 | 00:57:45


Show Notes

Born and raised in Seattle, April and her siblings’ lives lacked direction. Parents were 40 years apart in age. Mother left when April was 2.

April’s testimony includes some dark times in her life. Depression was a strong component. She contemplated suicide more than once. She sought comfort and pleasure from someone other than her husband. How does one come back from despair, wanting to die and an affair of some years?

Today April and hubby are dedicated workers at 3ABN. She is involved in gaol ministry. How did they come from the pain of the past and into a ministry very much God centred? April’s story is a testimony to what happens when the Holy Spirit enters our lives. April says, “let God have a big chance in your life. Consider God really is love and loves you and give Him a chance to love you. There’s so much evil in the world, choose to believe that God is love and ask him to help you to see your world through his eyes.”

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