Latest Episodes

Interview with Ruth Makwara - 1815
Born into a Christian family in Zimbabwe, Ruth and family were strongly involved in their local church. Wanting to give Ruth a good education...

Interview with Diane Halpine - 1814
For anyone living with or struggling with eating disorders, depression and anxiety, this interview is for you. As a child, Diane struggled with longings...

Interview with Tony Benjamin - 1813
Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) was founded in 1967 by Richard Wurmbrand, who spent fourteen years in Communist prison in Romania . Visit

Interview with Marleta Fong pt 2- 1812
As a child Marleta wanted to sing. Her efforts were not encouraged, she was told she wasn’t really singing but elongating words. Not one...

Interview with Petr Jasek - 1810
How do you practise your faith in a communist country? The secret police are constantly watching you, infiltrating your members and, trying to block...

Interview with Christy Christopher (Wilczynski)- 1809
Anyone struggling with addiction, depression, anxiety or suicide, will hear the story of hope and recovery in this interview. Christy ( a nurse in...