Lindy is a Chaplain in aged care. As a people person, she loves the role.
She was born and raised in Victoria to an Adventist family. There were a few traumas and problems which resulted in mum taking the 3 children and leaving. Lindy was 12. Mum encouraged keeping in touch with dad and they visited regularly. Lindy was the only one that chose to stay with her faith. She valued the friendship and stability that a church family provided. At 14, Lindy was baptised.
Did Lindy’s life become a positive one? No. Battles with depression and attempted suicide, made Lindy re- think her life. She remembers vividly for years waking up feeling sad. Counselling and medication assisted her to cope. Yet, when she realised that it was her ‘thinking’ (not circumstances) that were controlling her emotions, there came changes in her life that led to the vibrant, loving Christian she is today. Lindy shares how the Holy Spirit helped her to confront the negativity of Satan and today her life is a testimony of love, joy and experiencing the Holy Spirit.
A health and outreach missionary worker, Robert has had much experience as a missionary. His family survived Cyclone Tracey when Robert was just 6...
Kerryn was raised in a close family with strong Christian beliefs. She fell in love with the Bible when her parents took her to...
Daniel Collier was a typical young man, raised in a good home where his parentssought to bring him up well. He attended church for...