Letilda was raised in a home where her father didn't believe in God but her mother did. Growing up, Letilda's mother brought the four children to church every Sabbath, but at that time, it didn't mean anything to Letilda.
Letilda left home at age 16. You'd better fasten your seatbelts as you journey with Letilda in her turbulent life in and out of refuges, involved with drugs like ICE, stealing, many suicide attempts, all the time hating God.
How did a cafe closing down party become a turning point in her life? What books did she read after this party resulting in her falling in love with Jesus? How is it that God means everything to her now? Listen to find out the answers.
Susanne’s book, “Rebel Girl the Fatherless daughter” is available at Amazon, Kindle, iTunes store and in print. It is Part 1 of her life...
Julie grew up in South Africa in a Christian home, but shortly after she was born her dad stopped attending church. Growing up, television...
Rob grew up in a secular home in Melbourne. His mother was an atheist, but his father became a Seventh-day Adventist when he was...