Gary is the World Youth Director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church who has a passion for young people. Find out what Global Youth Day and 100,000K are all about. Find out what the 1 Year in Mission program is.
What does he Gary mean when he encourages young people to live dangerously? If you know a young person who wants to do something for Christ, then encourage them to listen to this program!
Join us as we speak with Tim Parton, General Manager of 3ABN’s new Praise Him Music Network. Did Tim go through extensive music training...
Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) was founded in 1967 by Richard Wurmbrand, who spent fourteen years in Communist prison in Romania . Visit
Fine Paiaaua, is of Tongan heritage but an Australian citizen, born in Sydney. He studied theology at Avondale University, Cooranbong NSW. Life was tough...