Liz was raised in a dysfunctional home with alcohol, abuse, beatings and many negative influences. At age 16 she left home and got a job in the Sydney suburbs.
Find out how taxi drivers came to the rescue two times. Find out what the Sydney Opera House had to do with her getting baptised. Journey with Liz as she tells of getting married, having kids, having the marriage break up and stopping church attendance.
What did her dad have to do with her coming back to God? Why did she have to go to Costa Rica to rescue her daughter? Have a listen.
Linelle Cassie grew up in a lovely Christian home. Later she was teaching in a Christian school, but after praying a specific prayer and...
Letilda was raised in a home where her father didn't believe in God but her mother did. Growing up, Letilda's mother brought the four...
Helen Hall is a dedicated teacher serving as a volunteer administrator at a school in a refugee camp in Thailand. She has been there...