Elizabeth was born into a Christian home and raised in rural New South Wales. They attended church weekly and the family had morning and evening worship. When old enough to read Elizabeth was given her own Bible and began having her own personal Bible study and prayer time. This shaped her life.
Quite different to his wife, Kyle was raised in a secular home with the influence of alcohol, smoking, drugs and city life all around. However, due to his love for sport he stayed away from many of the harmful influences surrounding him.
During high school years, Kyle was living with his aunt and uncle in upstate New York. The aunt went to a Christian health centre for her severe arthritis and received significant benefit. The health centre followed Biblical principles for health. To support her, the whole household changed their diet and lifestyle and they all benefited.
Why did the family band break up? Why did Kyle’s aunt become a Seventh-day Adventist Christian? Did Kyle decide to follow her decision?
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